Friday, June 1, 2012

Fail....or not

Well my first week of maintainence....did NOT go so well!  UGH.  I weighed in this morning and was up 3.4 lbs.  I had been expecting it for a few days but it was still really discouraging to see.  What caused me to gain 3 freakin lbs in a week?!

My friends, in real life and my WW boardie friends, have all told me to chill the hell out.  I'm eating more and I need a few weeks to figure out how this whole thing works.  Also I ran out of hydrochlorithorizide (sp?) officially this week.  Funny..I got put on them for my blood pressure when I was overweight.  Now I almost depend on them to help keep the excess salt out of my body- ie no bloating.  Now that I'm  not overweight and don't have BP problems, I don't need them anymore.  Bring on the water weight! Blah.  I also managed to catch myself a nasty little cold or sinus infection or something this week.  I missed a day of work on Tuesday because my throat hurt so bad and my head was about to explode.  So I've been downing the cold meds too. boardie friends told me that it's more than likely a false gain and to give myself a few weeks to settle down and figure things out.  Lots of factors happened this week to show a gain on the scale that should go they say.

I listened to them...for a day.  This morning I reset MFP and WW both back to "lose" and also changed my goal weight to 155 lbs.  I tell myself that if I bounce around between 155-160, I'll be okay with that.  But will I really??  I absolutely hate that I let that stupid scale get the best of me.  I was seriously depressed last night about this.  WHY?  It's dumb. I let my fear of maintaining already change my mind and set me back to losing again.  I can't just continue to lose weight!  I recognize this is a problem but I sure haven't changed it.  I felt more in control today when I only ate 31 points (3 activity points included) and 1450 cals.  I didn't feel like I was just floundering around.  I guess that's the control freak in's now spilled over into my WLJ too.

Now I'm not going to kid myself...I didn't exactly stay OP all this week.  I had fun with food and beverages this past Sat, enjoyed some kick ass chicken fajitas on Wed, then my wonderful hubby brought me home this when I was home sick: like this is what I miss from 60 lbs ago.

I might change my mind later on this week...if this so called water weight comes off.  But first I think I need to take a long hard look at why I let the numbers on the scale affect me so much. 

I hate to end on such a negative note!  So here's my dog Max.  He makes me happy!

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